All Quotes By Charlie Chaplin
1 : I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying.
2 : Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.
3 : A man's true character comes out when he's drunk.
4 : We think too much and feel too little.
5 : Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.
6 : Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
7 : To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it.
8 : You'll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.
9 : What do you want meaning for? Life is desire, not meaning.
10 : My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh.
11 : But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody's pain.
12 : I will not join any club who will take me as a member.
13 : I remain just one thing, and one thing only, and that is a clown. It puts me on a far higher place than any politician.
14 : The saddest thing I can imagine is to get used to luxury.
15 : Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.
16 : I suppose that's one of the ironies of life doing the wrong thing at the right moment.
17 : All my pictures are built around the idea of getting in trouble and so giving me the
18 : chance to be desperately serious in my attempt to appear as a normal little gentleman.
19 : All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl.
20 : Brunettes are troublemakers. They're worse than the Jews.
21 : Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded.
22 : This is a ruthless world and one must be ruthless to cope with it.
23 : Dictators free themselves, but they enslave the people.
24 : Simplicity is a difficult thing to achieve.
25 : Humor is the sublime wisdom of pity and tolerance in which man recognizes the utter futility of his own enterprise and importance.
26 : Doing something with the public in mind is doing something without your own mind.
27 : I'd sooner be called a successful crook than a destitute monarch.
28 : Whiskey! Never tasted such beastly stuff in my life! In a civilized country they drink wine.
29 : Movies are a fad. Audiences really want to see live actors on a stage.
30 : In this desperate way, I started many a comedy.
31 : I do not have much patience with a thing of beauty that must be explained to be understood. If it does need additional interpretation by someone other than the creator, then I question whether it has fulfilled its purpose.
32 : Imagination means nothing without doing.
33 : In the end, everything is a gag.
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